Afro Hair Transplant
in Turkey From A to Z…
Afro Hair Transplant
in Turkey
From A to Z…
Afro hair transplants are more complicated than traditional ones. Thus, afro hair loss sufferers may be hesitant to have hair transplant surgery since they are unsure if it would succeed. Let us help you dismiss those doubts!
Андрей Фефилов2024-09-06 Долго искал клинику для пересадки волос. Обратился к Este Favor по рекомендациям друзей, их результат мне понравился, и я решил тоже попробовать. И вот в сентябре мне сделали пересадку, всё прошло успешно и безболезненно, отличная команда, линию роста волос сделали именно такую, как я хотел. Отдельное спасибо сотруднику Фуату, всё рассказал и показал, консультировал на всех этапах, отлично говорит по-русски 👍 Я остался доволен клиникой, рекомендую 🙂 Vannak Mak2024-07-15 9 month now and my hair still growing. Love the result that came out of this experience. Thank you este favor for professional treatment and a good experience. Cem Cetinkaya2024-07-14 10 ekim 2023 tarihinde sac ekimim gerceklesti. Burayi bi arkadasimin vasitasiyla kesfettim. Onunkini cok begenmistim. Onun sonuclari cok hosuma gittigi icin hicbir yeri arastirmadim. Ekimden sonra Neva hanım ile sürekli iletişim halindeydik. Sac ekimim gayet iyi gecti. Neredeyse 9 ay oldu ve gorenler ekim yaptirdigima inanmiyor 🙂 bende eski fotograflarimi gostererek ekim olduguna inandirabiliyorum. Gayet dogal ve gercekci. Este favor ailesine sonsuz tesekkurlerrr.
Normal hair transplants are simpler than afro hair transplants.
Because of afro hair anatomy. Afro hair is coarse, curly, and kinky.
Afro hair is kinky and curly underneath the skin as well as on the scalp! This takes meticulous effort and an experienced surgeon and surgical team.
Despite its rarity, afro hair transplant has become a reliable method in recent years.
Afro hair transplants are harder than other hair kinds. Afro-textured hair is now a good option for hair transplants thanks to technology. This essay will explain the afro hair transplant in Turkey and assess its efficacy in Turkey. Afro hair transplants are widespread in Turkey, therefore we’ll explain why.
Afro Hair Transplant Overview
Given their popularity, you may be asking where to obtain an afro hair transplant. You might even wonder if Turkey offers afro hair transplants. In response to your question, Turkey has many afro hair transplant doctors and pros.
Afro hair transplant specialists in Turkey have ethnic hair transplant experience. Turkey is also a good choice for patients because afro hair transplants are cheaper there than in EU countries.
Best Hair Transplant Methods For Afro Hair Transplant in Turkey
You may learn more about the two afro hair transplanting techniques by researching them online: The Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) method and the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method.
With the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) procedure, a strip of hair follicles from the scalp at the back of your head is transplanted to areas of your hair that are balding or thinning. On the other hand, a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) transplants hair follicles from all over your head to areas of your scalp that are thinning or balding using microscopic punctures.
Experts state that FUE is the most popular technique for afro hair transplantation. This technology replaces the traditional FUT surgery by focusing on the extraction and implantation of individual hair follicles without affecting the natural shape of your hair. Because it protects the roots of afro-type curly hair and has few adverse effects and long-lasting benefits, this method is ideal for afro hair transplants.
When compared to FUE therapy, some experts assert that DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) can be a better choice depending on the patient’s hair structure. Since DHI uses a specific CHOI Pen, sometimes called a DHI Implanter or DHI Pen, during the hair implantation procedure, it can take less time to complete than FUE.
Though you may feel more inspired to do DHI therapy, keep in mind that hair transplant experts advise and support FUE surgery over DHI therapy for persons with afro-type curly hair.
FUE Hair Transplant Method Technique For Afro American Hair Transplant
The FUE procedure is one of the most popular afro hair transplant techniques.
Through this procedure, those experiencing severe hair loss can restore their healthy hair. Using a punch instrument or manual punch technique, individual hair follicles from the back of the head are harvested and then individually transplanted to the appropriate location in a FUE hair transplant.
Black individuals can also benefit from FUE hair transplantation. African Americans with curly hair utilize a punch instrument with a broader applicator. Wider punch tools maximize coverage while minimizing the risk of damaging the hair follicle.
Is FUE Method Technique Suitable For Afro American Hair Transplant?
Black males can benefit from FUE hair transplants if they do not have any long-term medical conditions.Due to the peculiar nature of Afro-type hair, only seasoned hair transplant clinics are able to successfully execute FUE hair transplants on black males.
DHI Method / Tecnique For Afro American Hair Transplant
Another well-liked method for successful hair transplantation is direct hair implantation (DHI) hair transplantation.
The FUE hair transplant procedure is thought to have been improved upon by the DHI method. Individual hair follicles are retrieved with the use of a specialized instrument known as the Choi implanter pen. at order to implant the hair follicles at the intended location, they are concurrently loaded into the pen.
Better hair viability and a simpler transplantation process are offered by the DHI hair transplant method.
Experts in hair transplantation typically advise against using the DHI procedure on Afro-textured hair; but, under specific conditions, eligible Black individuals may utilize it.
For black individuals, this technique needs to be used with great accuracy and skill in order to provide satisfactory results.
FUE Hair Transplant Method Technique For Afro American Hair Transplant
The FUE procedure is one of the most popular afro hair transplant techniques.
Through this procedure, those experiencing severe hair loss can restore their healthy hair. Using a punch instrument or manual punch technique, individual hair follicles from the back of the head are harvested and then individually transplanted to the appropriate location in a FUE hair transplant.
Black individuals can also benefit from FUE hair transplantation. African Americans with curly hair utilize a punch instrument with a broader applicator. Wider punch tools maximize coverage while minimizing the risk of damaging the hair follicle.
Does Hair Transplant Works For Afro Hair Transplant in Turkey?
What are the reasons for choosing Turkey for Afro hair transplantation?
If you are facing hair loss, thinning hair, or baldness, there are many proficient specialists in Turkey who specialize in afro hair transplant and can provide you with assistance. Afro hair transplants in Turkey offer a cost-effective option due to the presence of highly competent and specialized doctors and clinics. It is important to mention that Istanbul houses the bulk of clinics in Turkey that specialize in afro hair transplants. If you are seeking the most reputable and cost-effective clinics, it is advisable to inquire about afro hair transplant services in Istanbul.
What specific factors related to Afro hair should be taken into account during hair transplantation?
It is widely recognized that individuals of African heritage typically possess highly coiled hair. This hair type is characterized by tightly coiled follicles within the scalp. In this scenario, it previously posed a greater difficulty to harvest the hair follicle from the donor location during the process of hair transplantation. Additionally, it is important to mention that the hair follicles of this particular curly hair type cover a larger surface area on the inner side. Additionally, those of African heritage typically exhibit a hairline that is both straighter and positioned lower compared to individuals of Asian descent.
Despite the poor density in the donor locations, Afro hair has several advantageous qualities. The addition of volume through hair curls enhances the density of this hair type, resulting in a significantly more favorable outcome for the African American hair transplant procedure in Turkey. Furthermore, the postoperative redness is virtually imperceptible on dark skin. Although it may manifest, it diminishes more rapidly in individuals with lighter skin tones.
AFRO Hair Types
To effectively care for your hair, it is essential to accurately determine your specific afro hair type. What is the texture of your hair: curly, wavy, or straight afro?
Generally, your hair type can be classified within a spectrum from A to C. The letter denotes the specific curl pattern present on your scalp. As the alphabet advances, the curls become increasingly tightly coiled around your head. Let us analyze each hair type of afro hair individually to gain a deeper understanding of each one.
Curly Afro Hair
Curly afro hair curves under the skin. It has a “S” or “Z” shape and lots of frizz. Volumed hair is also prone to damage. Therefore, a curly afro hair transplant with a lot of volume may be more difficult.
Afro Wavy Hair
Curly afro hair is fuller than wavy. It styles faster and transplants easier than curly afro hair. It’s easier to manage than curly afro hair. Planning and surgery are simpler.
Straight African Hair
Straight afro hair is manageable! Straight afro hair is waveless. This hair is hard to curl. That makes it stronger. Its structure resembles Asian and Caucasian hair. So the planning and surgery are similar to regular hair.
Kinky Afro Hair
Kinky hair is fragile and dense due to its permanent torsion twist. Tightly curled Afro hair is more prone to damage. Keep calm if you have kinky afro hair. Although it has a complex texture, you can still have a hair transplant and succeed! The method is similar, but graft handling requires some technical skills. A seasoned team should know these points.
Where is The Best Place For Afro Hair Transplant in Turkey?
Best Afro Hair Transplant Clinic in Turkey
Istanbul’s hair transplants are the center of attention in Turkey. Este Favor Clinic is the recommended location for Afro hair transplantation due to its professionalism and sixteen years of experience.
Este Favor, a well-known brand in FUE hair transplantation in Turkey, does a large number of Afro hair transplants annually.
The Este Favor Hair Transplant team, which is made up of nurses who aim for the greatest outcomes in hair transplantation, likewise upholds this professionalism. Therefore, Este Favor Clinic is among the most highly recommended clinics you can find if you are considering a hair transplant in Turkey, regardless of your hair type.
Cost of Afro Hair Transplant in Turkey
The cost of Afro hair transplantation in Turkey is significantly lower compared to European countries and the US due to favorable government policies.
If you desire an Afro hair transplant in Turkey without incurring excessive expenses, it may be prudent to contemplate undergoing the procedure at Este Favor Clinic in Turkey.
The price range for Afro hair transplant in Turkey is $1,300 – $3,500.
Contact us to strategize and obtain a quotation for your secure operation.
Frequently Asked Questions
about Afro Hair Transplants
Am I eligible for a FUE hair transplant?
I am a 35-year-old African American male with a receding hairline. I have received information that suggests I am capable of doing so, but I have also come across literature that advises against it.
We appreciate your inquiry. Primarily, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is generally not suitable for Afro hair transplant cases. The primary factor is that the punch used to extract the grafts is straight, while the hairs themselves are curly. When the punch penetrates the skin, there is a significantly greater likelihood of cutting across the hairs.
To clarify, snapping the hairs refers to the process of extracting the stem cells, ensuring that they remain in their original location. Consequently, the hairs will not experience growth when they are transferred. From my perspective, the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is the most suitable method for Afro Hair transplant.
What is the reason behind the preference of certain surgeons for exclusively performing FUE hair transplants rather than FUT?
There are two potential explanations for why this could be the case. Certain physicians exclusively opt for performing FUE procedures due to their personal preference for this particular method.
However, the primary factor typically lies in their lack of qualification to perform the FUT hair transplant procedure. Performing a FUT procedure requires the expertise of a certified surgeon.
Can I anticipate superior outcomes from an Afro Hair transplant using the FUT method compared to the FUE procedure?
In my opinion, opting for the FUT technique would yield superior outcomes in an Afro Hair transplant. I would not recommend utilizing Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) for individuals with Afro-textured hair.
From where is the hair extracted?
Is it necessary for me to completely remove the hair from my scalp?
Yes, FUE provides the answer. With the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) procedure, it is not necessary to shave the head. It is necessary to remove hair from the area where we will extract the strip.
Am I allowed to extract hair from other regions of the body?
While it is technically feasible, it is not advisable. The hairs on the body have a significantly shorter lifespan and do not grow in the same manner.
Consider this perspective: Would you find it desirable to have hair typically found in the pubic region on the scalp?
Or the fine hairs that are found on the lower back or chest? Keep in mind that the direction of hair growth will be consistent with its origin.
What is the duration of the procedure?
Firstly, this is contingent upon the dimensions of the case. Typically, the case would require approximately 6-8 hours.
Is it necessary to consult an expert specializing in Afro hair for my Afro hair transplant?
First and foremost, undergoing an afro hair transplant, like any other hair transplant, is a transformative experience. Additionally, it is imperative for you to be aware of the surgeon’s competence who will be performing the procedure.
Furthermore, the majority of hair surgeons tend to specialize in a specific technique and style of hair restoration that they prefer to perform. Indeed, I would strongly advise seeking the expertise of a specialist.
What kind of post-treatment care should I anticipate?
Based on my extensive experience in this field, I can assert that aftercare is not universally provided to all patients. Moreover, this is a minor aesthetic procedure that requires minimal postoperative care.
The patient’s perception of having someone monitoring their progress is a significant factor. At the Estefavor Clinic, the patient is scheduled for a follow-up appointment 7 days after the procedure. The purpose of this procedure is to extract the obstructions that develop around the implanted grafts. Subsequently, I would request the patient to come back on a weekly basis for a duration of 5 weeks in order to monitor the healing progress of the strip.
During the initial week, a member of my team will contact you daily to ensure that you are adhering to the aftercare instructions. After the initial weeks, it is imperative to maintain regular communication with the clinic to monitor your progress.
What are the necessary steps for post-transplant hair care?
Initially, you will receive an aftercare package that provides explicit guidelines on the necessary steps to take and how to properly care for yourself. The instructions are relatively straightforward to comprehend.
Furthermore, it is imperative that you receive medication to proactively mitigate the risk of infection. The postoperative care entails basic tasks such as applying a prescribed solution to your grafts and washing them in a specific manner. You will receive a comprehensive explanation of all the details on the day of the procedure.
Is it necessary to exercise caution regarding my dietary choices before undergoing the procedure?
This is a frequently asked and thought-provoking question. To begin with, consuming a well-balanced diet is consistently crucial. Additionally, it is recommended to consume foods that stimulate hair growth and align with the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables.
There are no particular food items that you should aim to buy. Simply adhere to a nutritious diet and maintain healthy eating habits, as I am confident you already do.
Are there any precautions I should take before undergoing an afro hair transplant?
Prior to undergoing an Afro Hair transplant, it is advisable to abstain from consuming alcohol for a minimum of one week. Furthermore, refrain from using illicit substances for recreational purposes.
Furthermore, it is advisable to refrain from consuming analgesics and anticoagulants such as aspirin. Ultimately, it is advisable to refrain from consuming spicy foods.
Does it cause discomfort? Does Afro Hair Transplant Operation Painfull?
What are the potential hazards?
First and foremost, there is a potential hazard of keloids. I strongly believe that the risk can be significantly reduced when a surgeon with extensive experience ensures that the strip is removed with minimal trauma to the patient.
Furthermore, there is a potential for the grafts to not successfully develop. Thus far, I have not encountered that particular situation, but it is a possibility. Furthermore, there is a potential for contracting an infection. This can be minimized with appropriate post-treatment medication and guidance.
Self-care is crucial for minimizing this risk. Furthermore, there is a potential for overall discomfort following the surgery. The majority of patients will typically consume paracetamol for a duration of one to two days following the procedure. Subsequently, they are generally unnecessary.
What is the expected timeframe for observing outcomes?
Am I allowed to utilize another individual’s hair?
Is it possible for me to revert to having my hair chemically relaxed?
As an expert in trichology and Afro hair loss, I can confidently state that the process of relaxing hair will invariably cause damage and also heighten the likelihood of adverse reactions on the skin. I strongly discourage seeking relaxation, regardless of whether you have undergone an Afro Hair transplant or not.
May I plait my hair afterwards?
Am I permitted to utilize a wig?
What is the duration of the Afro Hair transplant’s longevity?
The longevity of your hair transplant is expected to be indefinite. Ensure proper hair care. It is important to note that the majority of you will be present due to the occurrence of traction loss. You are aware of the cause behind this occurrence. Ensure that you acquire knowledge from your errors.
I am experiencing a loss of traction. Is it possible to undergo an afro hair transplant?
Generally, the response would be affirmative. However, the outcome varies based on the seriousness and the source of the donation. To verify this, please contact us via phone. You may submit photographs, and in the majority of instances, we can provide guidance over the telephone regarding feasibility.
It is necessary for us to have a face-to-face meeting with you before any procedure can be performed.