How Can I Get Rid of Hair Transplant Scabs?

How Can I Get Rid of Hair Transplant Scabs?

How to clean the scabs after hair transplantation, when is scab pouring after hair transplantation, and how to clean the scab after hair transplantation? How Can I Get Rid of Hair Transplant Scabs?These are some of the questions that people wonder about the post-hair transplantation process.

Before moving on to the details of our blog post, we want you to know that this is not a unique situation for you. The problem of crusting occurs without exception in all patients with hair transplantation. When you pay attention to some issues we will explain below, the scab will be cleaned quickly.

How Can I Get Rid of Hair Transplant Scabs?
Hair Transplant

How Can I Get Rid of Hair Transplant Scabs?

What Steps Are Followed for a Successful Hair Transplant?

Although hair transplant surgery is more popular than ever, much of the information we read about hair transplants both on the internet sites and in the printed visual media actually causes basic information to be skipped. Therefore, it is important to understand the basic steps of the best hair transplant surgery correctly.

Many experts working in the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey have expressed the following 5 critical points that need attention as follows:

  1. Correct diagnosis and planning
  2. Collection of hair follicles without damage
  3. Maintaining the collected roots in the right conditions
  4. Paying attention to angle, direction, and frequency issues in the placement of hair follicles
  5. Post-operative care
What to Consider After Hair Transplant Surgery?
Hair Transplant

How Can I Get Rid of Hair Transplant Scabs?

What to Consider After Hair Transplant Surgery?

After the hair transplantation process is completed by the best hair clinic, the most important thing to do to protect the transplantation result is to protect the transplantation area from possible impacts for the first 15 days and to prevent damage to the hair follicles.

  • While sleeping in the evening, your hair follicles should not touch the head of the bed, the quilt, or the pillow and should not be damaged. You can also lie on your back in the area where the hair follicle is taken.
  • For the first few days, it will be even better if you sleep on an armchair with a simple inflatable pillow to fill your neck. Lying prone is not recommended for two weeks as it increases the risk of the planting area coming into contact with the pillow and edema.
  • During the first 10 days, it should be preferred to wear clothing such as shirts, cardigans, and zippered sweaters and narrow-collared clothing such as t-shirts, turtleneck sweaters, and singlets should not be worn from the head area. While these clothes are being put on and taken off, they can damage the planting area by rubbing.- Bath, sauna, swimming, solarium, and all kinds of hairdressing services should be suspended for two weeks as they can damage the hair follicles. But light walks can be done immediately after the operation, even beneficial. Fitness and gym halls can be started even after 10 days.
  • It is very important not to smoke for at least 3 weeks after the operation.

Even if you find the best hair clinic, you have to follow these steps to ensure healthy hair transplantation.

After hair transplantation scab cleaning starts with the first hair washing. The first hair washing is made by expert hands from the best hair clinic that you prefer where hair transplantation is performed. The success of the first washing and subsequent precision washings is very effective in cleaning the scabs quickly and healthily.

The next process should be done as described by the best hair transplant in Turkey:

  1. Before washing, the abundant softening lotion should be applied to both the sowing area and the donor area where the hair follicles are taken, this lotion should reach all the bottoms of the hair and wait for 45 minutes on average.
  2. The softener creams used in these sensitive washings until the cleaning of the scab consist of creams such as Bepanthol or ready-made gels. The purpose of using these softener lotions before washing is the soften the scabs. While the lotion is applied, rubbing movement is not performed. A sufficient amount of lotion is poured over the planting area and spread to all areas.
  3. In the application of the lotion, the shells will be softened after 45 minutes. At the end of the time, the lotion is cleaned using warm water.
  4. After cleaning the lotion of the skin, some shampoo is poured into an area that is not sowing and foam in this area. After foaming, the formed foams are applied to the sowing area. Again, the friction movements are avoided and the planting area is cleaned with slight movements and rinsed with warm water.
  5. After the washing process ends, the drying process is done with the help of a soft towel. Here, the thing to pay attention to is not to rub the towel on the scalp. You only need to put the towel on your hair and dry it in the form of a light buffer.

All scabs are not cleaned immediately after the first washing is made. Therefore, do not enter into a futile effort to pass all your scabs. These scabs will be cleaned after each washing, and when the required time is expired, there will be no trace of the scabs. In order to get further information, you may contact Turkey hair clinics.

When Can I Turn to My Job after Hair Transplant?
Hair Transplant

When Can I Turn to My Job after Hair Transplant?

In order to get the best hair transplant, you need to follow the instructions. You should rest at home for the first 3 days, especially after the hair transplant operation, and should not sweat your head and should not take a bath. After coming to the doctor’s control for 3 days and dressing, you must rest at home for a week and then can return to your daily life. As long as you prefer the best hair clinic and follow the instructions, you can get perfect hair transplant result in Turkey.

What Is The Cost of a Hair Transplant Surgery?

Many different variables are taken into account during the hair transplant process according to the preferred hair transplant center in Turkey. Many situations can affect the hair transplant price, depending on the type of methods to be used for the person’s hair structure.