DHI Choi Pen

Are you ready to have full, strong, and healthy hair?

With professional Aesthetic and Reconstructive Experts, hair transplantation is performed in sterile treatment areas with the special Choi Implanter Pen in the EsteFavor and it is aimed to achieve the most natural results by minimizing tissue damage. We follow world technologies for you and add new generation solutions accessed in health studies to our hair transplant procedures.

It is time to get your hair back. The EsteFavor offers DHI Choi Hair Transplant services, which are composed only of experts and accompanied by a doctor. It appeals to those who have baldness in certain areas, those who want certain areas of their hair to be fuller, and those who have baldness problems in their entire scalp.

If you want to recreate your entire style and look much younger than before with your full hair, you are in the right place now. In the rest of the content, examine the DHI Choi Hair Transplantation stages, the advantages of this method, and the applications that can be performed with transplantation.

The EsteFavor is only a phone call away.

What is Choi DHI Hair Transplant? How Is It Performed?

Choi DHI Hair Transplantation can be said as an advanced and innovative version of the classic FUE. The difference from the FUE method is that the opening of the canal, which causes the patient and the grafts to be kept waiting, is completely canceled in the DHI method. This ensures that hair transplantation is completed with fewer steps.

The original name of this method is known as Direct Hair Implantation and has been translated into Turkish shortly as “Direct Hair Transplantation”. A special medical tool is used in this hair transplant method and therefore it is necessary and important for your doctor to be knowledgeable and experienced in this field.

We are serving you with our specialist doctors for hair transplantation with DHI Choi Implanter Pen at the EsteFavor. A more natural and fuller hair look is possible with modern, innovative, and always powerful methods.

In the DHI method, your doctor performs the same steps as FUE. The difference is only observed in the canal opening stage:

The preparation stage starts with your doctor’s application of some blood tests to you before DHI hair transplantation. It is an important step to protect you and healthcare personnel from deadly blood-borne diseases. Also, the preparation stage is important to detect diseases that may cause health problems and to perform hair transplantation according to this situation. Samples taken for blood tests are processed in the professional laboratory of the EsteFavorand results are obtained in a short time.

As a result of the test results, when there is no problem to have a DHI hair transplant, your doctor will examine you to make a hair transplant plan and calculate the number of personalized grafts. During the examination, open areas are examined and the area to be transplanted is marked with a pen. The number of grafts required for these open areas is calculated with various robotic tools. Also, your doctor will give you information about hair transplant methods and will tell you the most appropriate method for you. Today, DHI is a method preferred by 65 percent of individuals who want to have intensive hair transplantation in narrow areas.

Are you ready for a complete pain-free period in hair transplantation? Your doctor, who is an anesthesiologist in EsteFavor, applies the most appropriate dosage of anesthesia to the area to be transplanted and to the donor area where the grafts will be collected. In this way, you will feel much more comfortable during the procedure. If you prefer the special sedation-containing anesthesia method, a small dose of sedation will be applied to you painlessly. In this case, you will have a level of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness. You can meet your basic needs with this awareness during the hair transplantation process, which will take between 6 and 8 hours. Also, you will be relaxed and not feel any pain.

The hairs that are most similar to the structural features of the hair in terms of growth and hardness are found in the nape of the neck. The hairs here will be your doctor’s primary option for grafting. If a sufficient number of grafts for the open area is completed from the nape of the neck, graft collection is performed only in this area. However, if the number of grafts taken here is not sufficient, the Body Hair Transplantation (BHT) method may be preferred. BHT is the same as hair transplantation with all other stages. It is separated only by taking the grafts from other parts of the body (chest, beard, mustache, leg). The Favor Clinic is ready to provide the service you need directly with its specialist doctors and advanced medical devices.

When using the DHI method in hair transplantation, the canal opening process does not need to be a separate stage. The Choi Implanter Pen has a microtip, which allows the canal opening process and hair transplantation to be performed at the same time. This pen only opens micro holes in the diameter where the graft will be implanted. In this way, strong holding of the grafts is provided and it is easier to integrate with the tissue. A single graft is transplanted at a time with the Implanter Pen. This process is performed one by one and may take 2-3 hours longer than other methods. More than one Choi Implanter Pen is used during transplantation.

The DHI hair transplant method can take between 6 and 9 hours. The use of a medical device during transplantation requires extra expertise. For this reason, it is extra important to choose the right clinic. EsteFavor has managed to keep its success rate of 96 – 99 percent with all the DHI procedures it has performed so far. We care about your transplant results and carefully perform this surgical procedure that changes your life step by step.

Differences Between DHI Method and Classical FUE Method

Direct Hair Transplantation, or DHI, is similar to FUE as the basic technology. It is possible to say that DHI is an innovative version of FUE realized with Choi Implanter Pen. The process continues as follows:

  1. Blood tests are done, then the patient is taken for examination.
  2. The number of grafts required for the patient is calculated, the forehead line and other details are determined.
  3. Anesthesia is started for the patient.
  4. After anesthesia, the required number of grafts are collected from the appropriate donor areas.

The point where the main difference between FUE and DHI is seen: In FUE, the canal is opened and the patient is opened. Meanwhile, the grafts are kept in a special solution. The grafts are transplanted after the canal opening is completely completed. In the DHI method, transplantation is performed directly with the Choi Implanter Pen. Because this surgical pen opens the canal with one movement and places the graft by pushing it into the canal.

72 percent of those who prefer the DHI hair transplant method for unshaven hair transplantation are women. Women don’t want their hair shaved completely. Therefore, they prefer the technology of the Choi Implanter Pen, which has a micro tip for hair transplantation. During this procedure, only the donor area where the graft will be collected is shaved. The area to be transplanted is not shaved. Thus, it is not easily noticed that you have hair transplantation after hair transplantation. Also, unshaved hair hides redness, coagulation, and crusting that may occur in the transplanted area. In this case, an aesthetically more sustainable process takes place.

The DHI method in unshaved hair transplantation is performed as follows:

  1. First of all, a blood test and examination are done.
  2. Anesthesia is then performed. Then, necessary preparations are made to start hair transplantation.
  3. The graft collection is done. The collection process is carried out from the nape of the neck, which is also the primary option. If this is not possible, grafts can be collected from various body parts.
  4. Then the collected grafts are placed one by one into the Choi Implanter Pen. The areas previously marked with a pencil are transplanted without any shaving process. The transplantation process can go up to 4500 grafts at a time. If more grafts are needed than this, transplantation can be divided into two stages. However, in unshaved hair transplantation, the hair is not shaved, so fewer grafts can be collected and hair transplantation can be performed in narrower areas. Therefore, the hair transplantation process will be completed between six and eight hours at the most.

Explore more about Unshaved Hair Transplantation.

You can contact the EsteFavor to request unshaved hair transplantation with the DHI method. Our experts will make an appointment for you with your Aesthetic and Reconstructive Specialist doctor. After the necessary tests and examinations are done, you can easily apply the transplantation process.

The DHI method is also a very suitable option for long hair transplantation. Grafts are easily grasped with the thin micro tip of the Choi Implanter Pen. Afterward, it is possible to place it in the required area without tissue loss as desired. Especially, the grafts do not have to be kept before they are placed and the canal opening process is not required separately. In this case, the grafts do not lose their vitality and this feature is shown as a great advantage. That is why the DHI method is often used to maximize the effect of long hair transplantation.

Did you know that 83 percent of long hair transplant procedures are performed using the Choi Implanter Pen?

You can immediately get information about the process from us and ask your questions about the details of the method to our specialist doctors. When a classic long hair transplant is done with the DHI method, the process is performed as follows:

  1. First of all, it should be reminded that DHI is applied under local anesthesia. Local anesthesia ensures that the procedure can be completed without feeling any pain in the transplantation area.
  2. With the special Choi implanter pen used, grafts are started to be collected from the donor areas determined by your doctor. Each of the grafts is collected long. Also, extra care is taken to ensure that the graft length is similar to the length and structure of the other hairs in the area to be implanted. This is an extremely important detail for a natural-looking transplantation result. Each graft must be collected with great care so that the grafts are not bent or broken while they are being collected.
  3. After the grafts are collected, these grafts are placed one by one on the scalp using a Choi Implanter pen. It is very important to note that each graft is placed one by one in DHI, just like in the FUE hair transplant method.
  4. No extra step is applied for canal opening. The Choi Implanter pen with a microneedle at the tip opens the canal and places the graft in this channel at the same time. Professional Favor Hair Transplant Clinic uses the implanter pen like a real magician with its expert doctors.

Learn more about long hair transplantation.

First 10-Day Recovering Process in DHI Hair Transplantation Method

Discover more closely the DHI method, which facilitates the recovery and growth processes by minimizing the tissue loss of grafts. You can see how the shock experienced by the recovery and tissue progresses step by step on the day and after the hair transplantation:

  1. Hair Transplantation Day: On the day of hair transplantation with DHI, you will be in the clinic for approximately 8 to 10 hours. Therefore, you may feel tired. We recommend that you rest after leaving the clinic to support your immune system and to have a faster recovery process. During this process, you should keep your hair away from all kinds of chemicals. If possible, you should avoid smoking and alcohol use. Do not sleep by putting pressure on the area where the hair transplantation is performed within the first day and in the first two weeks when the growth process continues. We recommend that you try to change your sleeping position according to this situation.
  2. The day after transplantation: At EsteFavor, we care that the transplantation we carry out for you shows strong results. That’s why we recommend the day after transplantation. For the administration of the treatment, 5 to 10 ml of blood is taken from the patient. Cancer taken with special laboratory equipment is centrifuged. In this way, a much more nutritious, rich, and tissue-stimulating mixture is obtained. The blood obtained is injected into the transplanted area with a special material. The fluid enriched and concentrated in growth hormone interacts with the scalp and stimulates the skin to stimulate the growth of the grafts, heal the tissues and adapt. This process can increase the efficiency of the transplantation process by up to 35 percent and is carefully presented by the EsteFavor specialists.
  3. The second day after transplantation: This is the day when the first washing will be performed by the experts in our clinic. You will be invited to the clinic for this procedure. The first washing after transplantation is to remove the first coagulation to a certain extent. In this process, your doctor and technicians clean your scalp with special solutions and cleaning methods. Also, they give you information on how to take care of your hair. Taking care of your hair along with what you have learned at this stage preserves the results you will get from transplantation.
  4. The third day after transplantation: After your hair is washed, you will feel extra spacious and comfortable. After this stage, the adaptation of the grafts with the scalp will begin step by step. In the meantime, you will witness the appearance of crusting, itching, and coagulation. The procedure performed with DHI minimizes the tissue loss in the grafts and the recovery process can be less painful.
  5. The fourth day after the transplantation: As the recovery process continues on the scalp, it will increase crusting. The scabs that accumulate on the wounds harden and fall off after a while. During this process, the itching will begin on the scalp. You should not scratch in any way. If it is difficult to stop without scratching, you can apply the ointment recommended by your doctor for this situation with slow and gentle massage movements. In this way, the uncomfortable situation will decrease.
  6. The fifth day after the transplantation: The crusting will get worse and you may feel more uncomfortable. During this process, you should be patient and wait for the recovery process to continue. Do not apply any chemicals to the scalp and do not touch any hard objects. At this time, you should pay attention to your diet. It is important to use the medicines and vitamins recommended by your doctor. Also, you should stay away from activities your doctor recommends you should avoid. All these are important for the hair transplant results to be more efficient.
  7. The sixth day after transplantation: After transplantation, you should avoid heavy physical activity and it is also recommended not to carry heavy items. You should follow these recommendations on the sixth day after transplantation, and continue to manage the process. On the sixth day, the sensitive period after transplantation continues.
  8. The seventh day after transplantation: You can wash your hair gently to continue your cleansing routine. During this wash, you can gently clean the crusts on the scalp with the help of a cotton ball. During this day, your hair is still delicate. However, you can relax with such routines.
  9. The eighth – tenth day after transplantation: While your scalp and hair are trying to adapt to each other, you should pay attention to a good rest and pay attention to your nutrition routine. After about 15 to 20 days, there will be a shock shedding process, you should be prepared for this process. Approximately eighty percent of the grafts transplanted with shock shedding will be shed. This situation shows that everything is fine.

Choi DHI Hair Transplant Results Month by Month

Who Cannot Have DHI Hair Transplantation?

DHI hair transplantation is not performed on individuals who experience the following conditions:

  1. Individuals with hepatitis C disease (DHI hair transplantation can be performed on individuals with Hepatitis C disease, with the control of the doctor if there are necessary surgical devices. However, we do not prefer this method much to guarantee the health of our patients.),
  2. People with cardiovascular disease,
  3. Individuals with blood pressure disease,
  4. Individuals with HIV – AIDS virus,
  5. People with Pseudopelade and Lichen planus disease,
  6. People who have had 3 or more unsuccessful hair transplantation,
  7. People suffering from scalp conditions with chronic effects.

What are the Advantages of DHI Hair Transplantation?

DHI hair transplant advantages can be listed as follows:

  1. FUE hair transplantation requires an extra canal opening. In this method, special medical solutions are prepared to preserve the vitality of the grafts. The reason for this is that the grafts are in danger of losing their vitality since they are kept before they are placed on the scalp. Grafts that have lost their vitality do not develop and do not grow after they are placed on the scalp. In DHI hair transplantation, there is no separate canal opening process and thus the grafts are kept outside for very little time
  2. In the DHI method, the hair on the scalp is not damaged. For patients whose hair loss is completely over, DHI hair transplantation can be easily applied.
  3. This method is applied with a special pen and DHI Choi Implanter Pen is frequently used for unshaved hair transplantation.
  4. The DHI method provides more frequent graft placement. This supports more intensive graft implantation and a more natural appearance.

If you want to get to know the DHI method more closely and also want to get information about the current condition of your hair, you can make an appointment by calling our clinic.

What are the Disadvantages of DHI Hair Transplantation?

The DHI hair transplant method is often compared to FUE. Therefore, the number of our patients who visit our clinic to ask the question “Should I choose FUE or DHI?” Is extremely high. We invite you to evaluate this method yourself, which we will list the disadvantages shortly.

  1. The DHI technique can be a little more costly than the FUE method.
  2. Hair transplantation performed with the DHI technique may take one or two hours longer than the other method.
  3. DHI hair transplant technique requires a very detailed study and training. You have to make sure that your doctor is experienced and expert in the field.

What are the Prices of DHI Hair Transplantation?

The DHI hair transplant method can be a little more costly than other methods because the process takes longer and the use of certain medical devices is required. In general, the thing that affects the price is the area where the grafts will be collected and the number of grafts. Call now so we can give you a special price. Make an appointment and talk to your doctor.

Healthier, younger, lively, fuller, and natural hair is possible with EsteFavor!